Audio Sampler gives the opportunity to Seamlessly connect your MIDI controllers to control Cymasphere using the MIDI Mapping menu.

A mapping consists of a controller message controlling a particular setting or selection assignment in Cymasphere. Mappings can be toggled on/off,
Controller messages consist of:
- Device (your MIDI controller – must be enabled as an input device in the Devices menus)
- Type (Data Byte 1) (Note On, Note Off, Control Change, Program Change, Pitch Bend, Aftertouch)
- Value (Data Byte 2) (Note On/Off → value, Control Change → Control Channel #, Program Change → Program #)
Behavior – determines the type of behavior of the controller message over its assignment
- Switch – toggles a setting on or off
- Trigger – triggers an action
- Momentary – toggles a setting on or off only while controller button is pressed
- Continuous – controller controls a range of values
- Min/Max – limits the range of continuous messages
The Learn button (ear icon) when pressed waits for the next MIDI message to automatically populate the Controller Message portion of the mapping.
Assignments are the settings or selections within Cymasphere that the controller controls.
Layer – the settings layer that assignment will apply to (Active Selection, Global, Palette, Bank, Cymatic)
Active/Specific – determines if setting will apply to a specific layer or the actively selected layer. For example, a mapping could be set to play the first cymatic in the bank “Modes of Major”, or it could be set to play the first cymatic in whatever bank is actively selected.
Setting – the setting that assignment will control, and (if applicable) an assigned value